Incident #231562

On the 13th of February 2024, at 22:34 hours GMT, I, Marzus Lowbridge [2045], Chief of Police serving with the Los Santos Police Department, conducted a Traffic Stop (10-11) on a Red Motorbike due to the absence of a rear license plate. The rider, identified as Mr. Henderson, displayed offensive behavior by raising his middle finger at me while pulling over to the right (final stop Route 13 Marker G). The stop occurred in close proximity to Officer Tom Frame (A-03), who was conducting radar duties.

Approaching Mr. Henderson, Officers Frame and I requested his identification and vehicle documents, explaining the reason for the stop related to the missing license plate. Initially uncooperative, Mr. Henderson provided a name, "Johnny Davis," which failed to match any records in our system, raising suspicions. Despite repeated checks, the information discrepancy persisted. Seeking further clarification, we proposed a fingerprint scan, to which Mr. Henderson initially agreed.

Other Information

Incident Title: Arrest

Signing Unit: Marzus Lowbridge A-01

Civilians Involved

Miles White (Primary)

Johnathon Doe

Marcus Rosetta

Officers Involved

Marzus Lowbridge A-01 (Primary)

Tom Frame A-03

Vehicles Involved


Weapons Involved


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