San Andreas State Penal Code


(1)01. Criminal Threats

This code section addresses the unlawful act of communicating threats with the intent to physically harm or cause death to another individual, thereby instilling a genuine sense of fear for that person's safety. Such threats can take on various forms, ranging from spoken words and written messages to communications transmitted through various media platforms.

When an individual deliberately communicates their intention to inflict harm or fatality upon someone, they violate this code section. This offense extends to situations where the threats are directed not only at the person themselves but also at their close friends or family members.

The key element of this offense is the creation of a reasonable state of fear in the victim's mind. This fear can manifest as genuine concern for their own safety or the safety of their loved ones. The law aims to protect individuals from such menacing communications that disrupt their peace and security.

Violatons of this code will result in 60 seconds imprisonment and a $1,000 fine


(1)01. Criminal Threats

This code section addresses the unlawful act of communicating threats with the intent to physically harm or cause death to another individual, thereby instilling a genuine sense of fear for that person's safety. Such threats can take on various forms, ranging from spoken words and written messages to communications transmitted through various media platforms.

When an individual deliberately communicates their intention to inflict harm or fatality upon someone, they violate this code section. This offense extends to situations where the threats are directed not only at the person themselves but also at their close friends or family members.

The key element of this offense is the creation of a reasonable state of fear in the victim's mind. This fear can manifest as genuine concern for their own safety or the safety of their loved ones. The law aims to protect individuals from such menacing communications that disrupt their peace and security.

Violatons of this code will result in 60 seconds imprisonment and a $1,000 fine





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