Community Management

Message @Chief Charlie Welsh

Good morning, Chief. I'm going to be attaching you two patrol logs from yesterday that need to be looked over because there is something wrong with them. Here I have attached <:attached:log:892837:> Patrol Log #892837.


Chief Charlie Welsh — 25/01/2025 01:12

I was thinking inventory for /me removal as much as possible and tbh crafting for shanks and stuff. But ofc we can get the staff together for discussion. Bc I HATE inventory but maybe for this circumstance it will be a possibility of being a positive experience with one. Some people frown now on the event but I think these events will be more active as normal patrols in my opinion.

Screenshot 2024-01-12 092141

Lieutenant Aarron Gray — 25/01/2025 01:15

Perfect. I'm so down for this. Also I beg you don't do it on a weekend Physically impossible for me to attend.


Chief Charlie Welsh — 25/01/2025 01:16

I was thinking inventory for /me removal as much as possible and tbh crafting for shanks and stuff. But ofc we can get the staff together for discussion. Bc I HATE inventory but maybe for this circumstance it will be a possibility of being a positive experience with one. Some people frown now on the event but I think these events will be more active as normal patrols in my opinion.

Screenshot 2024-01-12 092141

Lieutenant Aarron Gray — 25/01/2025 01:23

Perfect. I'm so down for this. Also I beg you don't do it on a weekend Physically impossible for me to attend.

Also if you want we could do something about the matter of vehicle colours

because I know you was unhappy wihh it

You might want to take a look at the patrol log submitted by baltzer too Patrol Log #892837

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Chief Charlie Welsh

Last seen 28h ago